Here at Perpetual Pollen, we have dedicated our research and testing to innovate eco-safe products that explore unconventional methods to remove Varroa mites from hives.
As friends of the bees and caretakers of the planet, we know that you do your best to recycle and reuse, just like we do. As communities continue to improve their...
Committed to saving the honey bees and contributing to a healthier planet, Perpetual Pollen prioritized sustainability and ethical sourcing in the development of its unconventional treatment to remove Varroa mites...
The brilliant colors of flowers help target their areas of nectar, which honey bees perceive through ultraviolet light. Special pigments absorb UV light and paint a bullseye in the center...
Many species of bees only live through the winter in their larval stage—that is, as babies, in the nest that their mother has made for them, whether that’s a hole...
At Perpetual Pollen, we are always on the lookout for new amazing partners in our quest to save the bees—and these days, they’re absolutely everywhere! We came across the multi-talented...