We’re a software company that fell in love with honey bees.
Like you, we knew the honey bees were in trouble. But we didn’t know how to help. (If you’re reading this, you probably feel that way, too.)
We read about pesticides, climate change, habitat loss, and, most frequently, parasites. The more we learned, the more we wanted to learn. We went from magazine articles to peer-reviewed studies, consuming the science while noticing the stark absence of new technology. An idea began to take shape. We went from hoping we could help, to believing we could.
We reached out to Dick Rogers, one of the top apiologists in the world, and explained our idea. His response was more encouraging than we could have imagined, and with his guidance and support, we assembled a team of bee researchers, beekeepers, engineers, and designers.
We used the best and most current science as a foundation on which to build a novel solution to this incredible threat.
Software developers by trade (it’s that software development that has paid the bills for our honey bee research), we know all about the idea of disruption. We know that one new idea which addresses an unmet need can change an industry. In this case, it wasn’t an industry we were trying to change — it was a species we were trying to save.
So we did what we do every day in software development: We iterated. Version after version and refinement after refinement, all rigorously lab and field tested for efficacy and safety.
When our treatment powder achieved our vision of significantly reducing mite count and safeguarding hives, we embarked on the long, complex process of compliance.
Navigating multiple regulatory agencies, and the unique requirements of regions across the US, Everbee Protect™ became a reality.
Everbee Protect™ is about more than saving the honey bees. With your help, we’re building a community, and creating a distribution network capable of adapting to the changing needs of honey bees around the globe. As threats shift, our treatments will too, and together we’ll deliver the most advanced and eco-safe treatments to honey bees worldwide.
A single person can’t save the bees.
But working together, we can.
Buzzworthy Results of the Everbee Protect™ Pilot Program
Here at Perpetual Pollen, we have dedicated our research and testing to innovate eco-safe products that explore unconventional methods to remove Varroa mites from hives.
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