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Seven Organizations to Support This GivingTuesday

Seven Organizations to Support This GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday—the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, where consumers are encouraged to donate to various charities after having shopped on Black Friday or Cyber Monday—has become a force to be reckoned with in philanthropy. Since data began to be tracked in 2013, estimated total donations have skyrocketed from $28 million to $2.47 billion in 2020. There are literally hundreds of worthy organizations to support, and it can be difficult to choose where your donations should go. 

We’ve written about some of our favorite organizations before, but here are a few more, including some you may not have heard of:

Friends of the Earth

We’ve talked before about how interconnected everything is, and how protecting the environment serves health and justice initiatives. Friends of the Earth fights for both environmental wellness and economic justice. Supporting pollinators is just one of the many projects they are involved with.

University of Minnesota Bee Lab

The mission of the UM Bee Lab is to foster the health and conservation of bee species through education, research, and mentorship. Like other public universities, they are partially supported through federal funds, but they encourage private donations as well!

Planet Bee Foundation

This foundation is geared toward educating and empowering people to take action on climate change. Specifically, their educational programs take children outside to connect with the earth as they learn, developing an eco-awareness that many people fear the younger generation is losing.

Bee Sanctuaries

A bee sanctuary is a parcel of land set aside for the cultivation of bee-friendly plants and, often, research and advocacy efforts related to bee conservation. Typically, sanctuaries will choose local plants and refrain from pesticide use. They often offer community outreach and education programs, including “how to” courses, nature walks, and other events.

Spikenard Farm is a 41-acre sanctuary near Floyd, Virginia. In addition to in-person and online courses, they offer apprenticeships, open farm days, and school outreach programs.

Three Leaf Farm is located in Lafayette, Colorado, and includes a honeybee sanctuary as part of a larger farm. The farm actively manages their flora, including allowing the growth of “weeds” and choosing a mixture of native and nectar-rich, non-invasive non-native plants.

The New York Bee Sanctuary is actively seeking land on which to build their forthcoming sanctuary, intended to house more than sixty of New York state’s native bee species. Their plans are exciting and eco-friendly, including vermiculture (worm composting), solar power, classrooms, a medicinal herb garden, cabins for ecotourists, and more.

The Urban Beekeeping Laboratory and Bee Sanctuary in Boston is primarily focused on research efforts as well as fundraising for research. They collaborate with academic and industry laboratories worldwide, and have a team combining professional scientists, beekeepers, and research interns. In partnership with The Best Bees Company they also offer beekeeping sponsorship opportunities.